Let the Blogging Begin

The Blog Begins 2.02.19

  So does the world need another blogger? Does anything I think or say really matter to anyone? The answer to both of these questions is most likely a resounding no.  These and many other thoughts have been bouncing around in my mind for months as I felt the desire to share my thoughts and musings with the world via the written word.  So like many things we all think about doing, learning to speak a new language, play the guitar or leave that secure job and chase the dreams of your younger years,  we put them off and hesitate because of fear. Fear we may fail. Fear we may succeed. When it comes to blogging there is the real fear we might upset someone or as they say “trigger someone”. Or worse that we will find out that no one really cares what we think and no one but your mom even reads your work and your efforts and time are wasted.

   So here I am typing away as I ready my first post to my new “A Faithful Catholic Guy’s Ramblings” Blog.  What changed my mind? Well it was a number of things really. First and foremost is the fact that I love to write. I’m not going to pretend to be that talented or inspired at the craft.  I have no secret knowledge that can greatly change anyone’s life.  But, as I reminded someone recently and have said often,  writers, painters, artiste all create for themselves.  Writing is cathartic to me. It helps me sort things out.  I write for me and if what I write has value to someone else than that’s a bonus. I think I recall, although I could be mistaken that J.R.R. Tolkien only published his great work, The Lord of The Rings at the prompting of CS Lewis, fellow author and good friend. He was not going to share. What a crime that would have been to have kept that work hidden from the world.

    The second reason is that I do in fact have over 20 years experience in Catholic ministry serving youth and young adults. I’ve drawn breath for 55 years and have been married to the same woman, whom I love and adore for 32 of those years. Raised two amazing kids and been blessed to have been given my Catholic faith by two future Saints who I call mom and dad.  So maybe I have something to share that might be of interest to you or others.

   Finally the course our world, country and culture has taken over the last few years has brought me to the realization that I must speak up anyway that I can on the troubling issues that face us today. The last straw so to speak was the new law on abortion passed in NY State recently and the attempt to do the same in VA. (More on that topic in my next post.).  This and other evils must be answered by as many voices as possible. Those who can speak up MUST do so. But also, the Good news and hope that the Gospel of Jesus Christ offers must be shared.  There is so much good, so many wonderful things that happen that are lost in the swirl of bad news.  Every day little miracles happen all around us. Often little noticed. We need to share those with the world. We need to encourage each other to move forward trusting God’s providence. We all need reminding that we are not alone. That we stand with others of faith. 

   So out into the deep I go. This blog will reflect the author. I am interested in just about everything so I will write about it.  It will include ramblings on our Faith, the culture that affects it and effect our faith SHOULD be having on the culture.  Ill most likely speak to music, movies, prayer, ministry, parenthood food, BBQ, film making.  See what I mean. I pray these ramblings will help you manage the ever more difficult walk of faith through life toward our home in heaven, and maybe share a laugh or two along the way.  Blessings.

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